
Tidy Up Your Life Sample Outline

Help your fans become more organized with day-by-day decluttering and tidying challenges.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Minimalist Organizer, @The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1: Declutter your living space. Start by removing any items that you no longer need or that don't bring you joy.

Proof: Take a before and after photo of a decluttered area or write a reflection on the items you discarded.

Day 2: Organize your wardrobe. Sort through your clothes, donate or sell items you no longer wear, and arrange your wardrobe in a way that makes it easier to find what you need.

Proof: Take a photo of your organized wardrobe or write a reflection on how the organization has improved your daily routine.

Day 3: Clean your kitchen. Deep clean your kitchen, including wiping down countertops, organizing cabinets, and decluttering your pantry.

Proof: Take a photo of your clean and organized kitchen or write a reflection on how the cleanliness impacts your cooking experience.

Day 4: Create a cleaning schedule. Plan a regular cleaning routine for your home, assigning specific tasks to different days or weeks.

Proof: Write down your cleaning schedule or create a visual representation of your cleaning routine.

Day 5: Tidy up your digital space. Organize your computer files, delete unnecessary documents, and declutter your email inbox.

Proof: Take a screenshot of your organized desktop or write a reflection on how digital tidiness improves your productivity.

Day 6: Establish a daily cleaning habit. Identify quick tasks that can be done daily to maintain cleanliness and order in your home.

Proof: Write a reflection on your daily cleaning habit or create a visual representation of your cleaning checklist.

Day 7: Streamline your storage. Assess your storage spaces, such as closets and cabinets, and optimize them for better organization and accessibility.

Proof: Take a photo of your optimized storage spaces or write a reflection on how the improved storage system simplifies your life.

Day 8: Create a donation pile. Set aside items that are in good condition but no longer serve you, and prepare them for donation.

Proof: Take a photo of the items in your donation pile or write a reflection on the impact of letting go of possessions.

Day 9: Establish a paper management system. Sort through your paperwork, file important documents, and create a system for organizing bills, receipts, and other paperwork.

Proof: Take a photo of your organized paper system or write a reflection on how it reduces clutter and improves your productivity.

Day 10: Declutter your digital devices. Delete unused apps, organize your digital files, and clean up your device's storage.

Proof: Take a screenshot of your organized apps or write a reflection on how digital decluttering enhances your device's performance.

Day 11: Create designated spaces for frequently used items. Identify commonly used items and allocate specific areas in your home to store them.

Proof: Take a photo of the designated spaces for frequently used items or write a reflection on how it simplifies your daily routine.

Day 12: Organize your bookshelf. Sort and arrange your books in a way that is visually appealing and makes them easier to find.

Proof: Take a photo of your organized bookshelf or write a reflection on the joy of having an organized reading collection.

Day 13: Deep clean your bathroom. Scrub the tiles, clean the fixtures, organize the cabinets, and declutter the bathroom space.

Proof: Take a photo of your sparkling clean bathroom or write a reflection on how a clean bathroom promotes relaxation.

Day 14: Establish a mail management system. Create a system for handling incoming mail, including sorting, filing, and discarding as needed.

Proof: Take a photo of your organized mail system or write a reflection on how it reduces paper clutter and stress.

Day 15: Rearrange your furniture. Experiment with different furniture arrangements to maximize space and create a more functional layout.

Proof: Take a photo of your new furniture arrangement or write a reflection on how it improves the flow of your living space.

Day 16: Clean and declutter your workspace. Tidy up your desk, organize your supplies, and create an environment that fosters productivity.

Proof: Take a photo of your clean and organized workspace or write a reflection on how an organized workspace enhances your focus.

Day 17: Create a system for handling laundry. Establish a routine for sorting, washing, folding, and putting away laundry efficiently.

Proof: Take a photo of your laundry system or write a reflection on how it simplifies the chore and keeps your home tidy.

Day 18: Organize your digital photos. Sort and back up your digital photos, delete duplicates or unwanted pictures, and create albums or folders for easy access.

Proof: Take a screenshot of your organized photo albums or write a reflection on the joy of having a digital photo collection.

Day 19: Declutter sentimental items. Evaluate sentimental belongings, keep only those that truly hold meaning, and find creative ways to display or store them.

Proof: Take a photo of your organized sentimental items or write a reflection on the emotional impact of decluttering sentimental possessions.

Day 20: Simplify your home decor. Minimize excessive decorations and create a more minimalist and visually pleasing living space.

Proof: Take a photo of your simplified and aesthetically pleasing home decor or write a reflection on the tranquility it brings.

Day 21: Reflect on your tidying journey. Evaluate the changes you've made, appreciate your organized living space, and identify areas for further improvement.

Proof: Write a reflection on your overall progress throughout the 21-day journey or create a visual representation of your achievements.


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