Art & Design

Become a Photographer - Sample Outline

Help your fans take better photographs by honing their artistic and creative ability with day-by-day challenges.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Photographer, @The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1:

Familiarize yourself with the camera settings and features of your phone.

Proof: Take a photo of your phone's camera interface, showcasing your readiness to explore its settings and features.

Day 2:

Experiment with different composition techniques, such as the rule of thirds and leading lines.

Proof: Take a photo using the rule of thirds or leading lines, demonstrating your understanding and application of these composition techniques.

Day 3:

Capture a unique perspective or viewpoint.

Proof: Take a photo from an unconventional or interesting perspective, showcasing your ability to see and capture subjects in a unique way.

Day 4:

Practice using natural lighting for photography.

Proof: Take a photo where you utilize natural lighting to enhance the subject or scene, demonstrating your understanding of how lighting can affect the mood and quality of a photograph.

Day 5:

Explore macro photography by capturing close-up details.

Proof: Take a photo showcasing the intricate details of a subject in macro photography, highlighting your ability to capture small details and textures.

Day 6:

Experiment with different editing apps or tools to enhance your photos.

Proof: Take a screenshot or photo of the edited version of one of your photographs, showcasing the enhancements you made using editing apps or tools.

Day 7:

Capture a landscape or cityscape.

Proof: Take a photo of a captivating landscape or cityscape, showcasing your ability to capture the beauty and essence of a wide outdoor scene.

Day 8:

Photograph a subject in motion.

Proof: Take a photo that captures the movement of a subject, showcasing your ability to freeze or convey motion through photography.

Day 9:

Play with reflections and capture reflective surfaces.

Proof: Take a photo that features reflections or captures the beauty of reflective surfaces, showcasing your ability to utilize reflections creatively in your compositions.

Day 10:

Experiment with black and white photography.

Proof: Take a black and white photo that showcases strong contrast, textures, and the impact of monochrome imagery.

Day 11:

Focus on capturing emotions or expressions in portraits.

Proof: Take a photo that captures a genuine emotion or expression on a person's face, showcasing your ability to evoke feelings through portrait photography.

Day 12:

Photograph a favorite object or personal item creatively.

Proof: Take a photo of a favorite object or personal item, showcasing your creativity and unique perspective in capturing its essence.

Day 13:

Practice symmetry and balance in your compositions.

Proof: Take a photo that exhibits symmetry and balance in your composition, showcasing your ability to create visually pleasing and harmonious images.

Day 14:

Explore capturing textures and patterns.

Proof: Take a photo that emphasizes textures and patterns in a subject or scene, showcasing your ability to highlight and capture the details and intricacies of different surfaces.

Day 15:

Experiment with different perspectives and angles.

Proof: Take a photo that demonstrates an interesting perspective or angle, showcasing your willingness to explore different viewpoints in your photography.

Day 16:

Capture a candid moment or street photography.

Proof: Take a photo that captures a candid moment or showcases the essence of street photography, demonstrating your ability to observe and capture authentic scenes.

Day 17:

Focus on capturing natural elements, such as flora and fauna.

Proof: Take a photo that showcases the beauty of nature, capturing flora, fauna, or any natural elements in a visually appealing manner.

Day 18:

Experiment with long exposure photography.

Proof: Take a photo using long exposure techniques, showcasing your ability to create unique effects with the passage of time in your images.

Day 19:

Play with colors and capture vibrant scenes.

Proof: Take a photo that highlights vibrant colors or a scene with a striking color palette, showcasing your ability to capture and convey the beauty of colors in photography.

Day 20:

Photograph a subject in low light conditions.

Proof: Take a photo in low light conditions, showcasing your ability to work with limited lighting and still capture a compelling image.

Day 21:

Create a photo collage or a series of images that represent your progress and growth.

Proof: Take a photo or compile a collage of images that symbolize your progress and improvement in photography throughout the 21-day journey.


By running a Leapmonth challenge, you'll earn a good living while helping people take real action every day to become their best selves.