
Pet Photography Sample Outline

Help your fans become amazing at taking photos of their pets with day-by-day challenges.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Pet Photographer @The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1: Understand your pet's behavior. Study your pet's habits, preferences, and body language to better anticipate moments worth capturing.

Proof: Take a photo that showcases your pet's unique personality or write a reflection on what you've learned about your pet's behavior.

Day 2: Experiment with lighting. Explore different lighting techniques and learn how to use natural or artificial light to enhance your pet's features.

Proof: Take a photo that demonstrates your understanding of lighting or write a reflection on the impact of lighting on your pet's appearance.

Day 3: Capture action shots. Practice photographing your pet in motion, whether playing, running, or jumping, to freeze energetic moments.

Proof: Take a photo that showcases your pet's energy and movement or write a reflection on the challenges and techniques used in capturing action shots.

Day 4: Focus on eyes and expressions. Learn how to capture the emotions and unique expressions of your pet through close-up shots.

Proof: Take a photo that highlights your pet's eyes and expressions or write a reflection on the emotions conveyed in the image.

Day 5: Explore different angles. Experiment with shooting from various angles and perspectives to add depth and creativity to your pet photos.

Proof: Take a photo from an interesting angle or write a reflection on how different angles impact the composition.

Day 6: Incorporate the environment. Capture your pet within its surroundings, whether it's at home, in nature, or exploring new places.

Proof: Take a photo that showcases your pet in its environment or write a reflection on how the surroundings contribute to the image.

Day 7: Use props and accessories. Introduce props or accessories that complement your pet's personality and create visually appealing compositions.

Proof: Take a photo that incorporates props or accessories or write a reflection on how they enhance the overall image.

Day 8: Practice patience and timing. Learn to wait for the right moment to capture spontaneous and candid shots of your pet.

Proof: Take a photo that captures a candid moment or write a reflection on the importance of patience in pet photography.

Day 9: Photograph different breeds or species. Explore photographing pets other than your own, learning to adapt to different characteristics and behaviors.

Proof: Take a photo of a different breed or species of pet or write a reflection on the challenges and rewards of photographing unfamiliar animals.

Day 10: Experiment with post-processing. Learn basic editing techniques to enhance the colors, contrast, and overall look of your pet photos.

Proof: Take a photo and demonstrate the before and after effects of post-processing or write a reflection on the impact of editing on your images.

Day 11: Focus on capturing details. Pay attention to the small and intricate features of your pet, such as paws, whiskers, or fur patterns.

Proof: Take a close-up photo that highlights the details of your pet or write a reflection on the importance of capturing small details.

Day 12: Photograph interactions with humans. Capture the bond between your pet and its human companions, showcasing moments of connection.

Proof: Take a photo that illustrates the relationship between your pet and a human or write a reflection on the emotions conveyed in the image.

Day 13: Shoot in different weather conditions. Experiment with capturing your pet's activities and expressions under various weather circumstances.

Proof: Take a photo that showcases your pet in different weather conditions or write a reflection on the challenges and opportunities presented by different weather.

Day 14: Create a pet photoshoot. Plan and execute a mini photoshoot for your pet, using props, settings, and themes that reflect their personality.

Proof: Take a photo from your pet photoshoot or write a reflection on the experience and the results achieved.

Day 15: Focus on composition. Learn and apply compositional techniques such as the rule of thirds, leading lines, or symmetry in your pet photography.

Proof: Take a photo that demonstrates your understanding of composition or write a reflection on how composition enhances your pet photos.

Day 16: Explore black and white photography. Experiment with converting your pet photos to black and white to emphasize textures, contrast, and emotions.

Proof: Take a black and white photo of your pet or write a reflection on the impact of black and white photography on your pet images.

Day 17: Capture your pet in different moods. Document your pet's various moods, from playful and energetic to calm and contemplative.

Proof: Take a photo that captures a specific mood of your pet or write a reflection on the emotions conveyed in the image.

Day 18: Photograph unique behaviors. Focus on capturing specific behaviors or quirks that make your pet special and distinct.

Proof: Take a photo that showcases your pet's unique behavior or write a reflection on the significance of capturing those moments.

Day 19: Incorporate storytelling. Use your pet photos to tell a story or evoke a narrative, capturing moments that convey emotions or depict a sequence of events.

Proof: Take a series of photos that tell a story or write a reflection on the story you aimed to portray through your pet images.

Day 20: Attend a pet event or gathering. Practice your pet photography skills by capturing moments and interactions during a pet-related event.

Proof: Take photos at a pet event or gathering, showcasing your ability to capture the atmosphere and essence of the occasion.

Day 21: Reflect on your pet photography journey. Evaluate your progress, celebrate your achievements, and set goals for further improvement.

Proof: Write a reflection on your overall progress throughout the 21-day journey or create a visual representation of your achievements.


By running a Leapmonth challenge, you'll earn a good living while helping people take real action every day to become their best selves.