
Daily Journalling Sample Outline

Help your fans become amazing at taking photos of their pets with day-by-day challenges.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Pet Photographer @The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1: Start with a gratitude list. Write down three things you are grateful for today and reflect on why they bring you joy or appreciation.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on your gratitude list, highlighting the things you are grateful for.

Day 2: Write a stream of consciousness. Set a timer for 10 minutes and let your thoughts flow freely on paper without any judgment or filter.

Proof: Take a photo or transcribe a snippet of your stream of consciousness writing, capturing the unfiltered thoughts.

Day 3: Describe your ideal day. Imagine your perfect day and write a detailed description of how it would unfold from morning to night.

Proof: Share a photo or excerpt from your journal entry, showcasing your vision of an ideal day.

Day 4: Reflect on a meaningful quote. Choose a quote that resonates with you and write about its significance in your life or current circumstances.

Proof: Share a photo of the quote or write a reflection on how it inspires or influences you.

Day 5: Explore your fears. Identify and journal about a fear or limiting belief that holds you back from pursuing your goals or living fully.

Proof: Take a photo or transcribe a portion of your journal entry where you explore your fears.

Day 6: Write a letter to your future self. Pen down advice, encouragement, or aspirations for the person you envision yourself becoming in the future.

Proof: Share a photo or excerpt from your letter to your future self, capturing the hopes and insights you expressed.

Day 7: Describe a favorite childhood memory. Recall a joyful or significant memory from your childhood and write about it in detail.

Proof: Share a photo or excerpt from your journal entry, capturing the essence of your favorite childhood memory.

Day 8: Write a letter of forgiveness. Address a person or situation that has caused you pain and write a letter expressing forgiveness and letting go.

Proof: Take a photo or transcribe a portion of your forgiveness letter, capturing the emotions and release conveyed in your words.

Day 9: Make a list of personal affirmations. Write down positive affirmations about yourself, your abilities, and your worthiness.

Proof: Share a photo or list of your personal affirmations, highlighting the empowering statements you have created.

Day 10: Describe a recent challenge or setback. Reflect on a recent difficulty you faced and write about the lessons learned or personal growth achieved.

Proof: Share a photo or excerpt from your journal entry, showcasing your reflections on the challenge or setback.

Day 11: Explore your dreams and aspirations. Write about your dreams, goals, and aspirations, envisioning the life you desire to create for yourself.

Proof: Take a photo or transcribe a portion of your journal entry where you explore your dreams and aspirations.

Day 12: Reflect on your strengths. List and write about your personal strengths, acknowledging the unique qualities that make you who you are.

Proof: Share a photo or excerpt from your journal entry, highlighting the strengths you recognize within yourself.

Day 13: Write a letter of appreciation to someone. Express your gratitude and appreciation to someone who has positively impacted your life.

Proof: Take a photo or transcribe a portion of your appreciation letter, capturing the heartfelt gratitude you wish to convey.

Day 14: Reflect on a recent success or achievement. Write about a recent accomplishment or milestone, celebrating your progress and growth.

Proof: Share a photo or excerpt from your journal entry, highlighting your reflections on the success or achievement.

Day 15: Describe your ideal future. Write a detailed description of the life you envision for yourself in the future, including your goals and aspirations.

Proof: Take a photo or transcribe a portion of your journal entry, capturing your vision of an ideal future.

Day 16: Reflect on a book or article that inspired you. Write about a book or article that had a profound impact on your thoughts or perspectives.

Proof: Share a photo or excerpt from your journal entry, capturing the insights or reflections inspired by the book or article.

Day 17: Write a letter of encouragement to yourself. Offer words of support, motivation, and self-compassion to uplift your spirits.

Proof: Take a photo or transcribe a portion of your self-encouragement letter, capturing the empowering message you convey.

Day 18: Describe a memorable travel experience. Recall a memorable travel adventure and write about the sights, sounds, and emotions you experienced.

Proof: Share a photo or excerpt from your journal entry, capturing the essence of your travel experience.

Day 19: Reflect on your values. Identify and journal about the core values that guide your decisions, actions, and relationships.

Proof: Take a photo or transcribe a portion of your journal entry, capturing the values you hold dear.

Day 20: Write about a lesson learned from a mistake. Reflect on a past mistake or failure and write about the lessons and growth it brought into your life.

Proof: Share a photo or excerpt from your journal entry, highlighting the insights gained from the mistake.

Day 21: Reflect on your journaling journey. Evaluate your progress, celebrate your achievements, and set intentions for continuing your journaling practice.

Proof: Write a reflection on your overall progress throughout the 21-day journey or create a visual representation of your achievements.


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