
Fix Your Sleep - Sample Outline

Help your fans sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed by taking real action day by day.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Sleep Expert, The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1:

Establish a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Proof: Take a screenshot of your phone's alarm settings displaying the consistent wake-up and bedtime hours you've set.

Day 2:

Create a relaxing bedtime routine. Spend 30 minutes before bed engaging in calming activities like reading, meditating, or taking a warm bath.

Proof: Take a screenshot of your phone's screen displaying a timer or stopwatch set for 30 minutes, indicating that you dedicated the specified time to engage in a calming activity as part of your bedtime routine.

Day 3:

Evaluate your sleep environment. Ensure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Remove any distractions that may disrupt your sleep.

Proof: Take a photo of your sleep environment, highlighting the elements you've adjusted or removed to create a cool, dark, and quiet setting.

Day 4:

Limit caffeine intake.

Proof: Take a photo or note down a list of the caffeine-free beverages you consumed throughout the day, indicating your efforts to limit caffeine intake.

Day 5:

Incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine.

Proof: Take a photo or screenshot of a fitness tracking app or device displaying your recorded exercise session for the day.

Day 6:

Avoid electronics before bed.

Proof: Take a screenshot of your phone's screen showing the "Screen Time" or "Digital Wellbeing" feature indicating zero usage within the hour before bed.

Day 7:

Create a comfortable sleep environment.

Proof: Take a photo of your cozy sleep setup, showcasing the comfortable elements you've incorporated, such as pillows, blankets, or sleep aids.

Day 8:

Practice relaxation techniques before bed.

Proof: Take a photo or note down the relaxation techniques you engaged in before bed, such as a gratitude journal entry or a record of deep breathing exercises.

Day 9:

Implement a "no screens in the bedroom" policy.

Proof: Take a photo of your bedroom, demonstrating the absence of screens or electronic devices.

Day 10:

Evaluate your sleep posture.

Proof: Take a photo of yourself in your preferred sleep position or note down the adjustments you've made to ensure proper sleep posture.

Day 11:

Keep a sleep journal.

Proof: Take a photo of your sleep journal entry for the day or note down the key details of your sleep duration and quality.

Day 12:

Limit daytime napping.

Proof: Take a photo or note down the duration and timing of your daytime nap, ensuring it aligns with a short and timely rest.

Day 13:

Experiment with different relaxation techniques.

Proof: Take a photo or note down the various relaxation techniques you tried, highlighting the ones that worked best for you.

Day 14:

Practice mindfulness or meditation techniques.

Proof: Take a photo or note down the duration and details of your mindfulness or meditation practice for the day.

Day 15:

Avoid heavy meals, spicy foods, and excessive fluid intake close to bedtime.

Proof: Take a photo or note down the meals and fluids you consumed in the hours leading up to bedtime, ensuring they align with sleep-friendly choices.

Day 16:

Create a sleep-friendly atmosphere.

Proof: Take a photo of your sleep-friendly environment, highlighting the elements you've incorporated, such as ambient lighting, soothing scents, or comfortable bedding.

Day 17:

Invest in comfortable sleepwear.

Proof: Take a photo of your comfortable sleepwear, showcasing the cozy and relaxing clothing you've chosen for sleep.

Day 18:

Develop a wind-down routine in the evening.

Proof: Take a photo or note down the activities or rituals you engaged in during your wind-down routine, signifying your commitment to relaxation and preparation for sleep.

Day 19:

Practice stress management techniques.

Proof: Take a photo or note down the stress management techniques you practiced, such as journaling, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in a hobby that brings you joy and relaxation.

Day 20:

Avoid clock-watching.

Proof: Take a photo or note down the absence of visible clocks or devices with time displays in your bedroom or note any strategies you employed to prevent clock-watching.

Day 21:

Celebrate your progress!

Proof: Take a photo or write a reflection on your progress throughout the 21-day journey, highlighting the positive changes you've noticed in your sleep and well-being.


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