
Fix Your Flexibility Sample Outline

Help your fans move comfortably in their body by completing day-by-day flexibility challenges.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Mobility Guru @The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1: Full-body stretching. Start with a gentle full-body stretching routine to warm up your muscles. Focus on major muscle groups such as legs, arms, back, and shoulders.

Day 2: Lower body flexibility. Concentrate on improving lower body flexibility through exercises like forward folds, lunges, and seated straddle stretches. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Day 3: Upper body flexibility. Target the upper body by incorporating exercises like shoulder stretches, chest openers, and tricep stretches. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Day 4: Spine mobility. Focus on exercises that improve spine mobility, such as cat-cow stretches, spinal twists, and forward/backward bends. Pay attention to your breath and take it slow.

Day 5: Hip flexibility. Dedicate today's session to hip-opening stretches like pigeon pose, butterfly stretch, and hip circles. Take your time and breathe deeply into each stretch.

Day 6: Core flexibility. Engage in exercises that target core flexibility, such as seated forward bends, side bends, and plank variations. Focus on maintaining good form throughout.

Day 7: Active stretching. Explore active stretching techniques like dynamic stretching or yoga flows. Incorporate movements that challenge your range of motion while staying within a comfortable limit.

Day 8: Stretching for relaxation. Incorporate gentle stretching exercises that promote relaxation, such as gentle neck stretches, reclined twists, and seated forward bends. Focus on releasing tension and calming the mind.

Day 9: Balance and flexibility. Integrate balance exercises with stretching to enhance stability and flexibility simultaneously. Examples include tree pose, warrior III, and standing leg swings.

Day 10: Flexibility challenge. Take on a flexibility challenge today, such as attempting a deeper version of a previously practiced stretch or trying a new challenging pose. Be mindful of your limits and avoid pushing yourself too far.

Day 11: Stretching for posture. Focus on exercises that improve posture and alignment, such as chest stretches, shoulder rolls, and exercises to strengthen the back and core muscles.

Day 12: Flexibility for the neck and shoulders. Devote today's session to stretches that target neck and shoulder flexibility, such as neck rotations, shoulder circles, and upper back stretches.

Day 13: Stretching for hamstrings and calves. Concentrate on stretching the hamstrings and calves with exercises like standing forward bends, seated forward bends, and calf stretches.

Day 14: Flexibility for the wrists and hands. Pay attention to the flexibility of your wrists and hands with exercises like wrist rotations, finger stretches, and hand massages.

Day 15: Stretching for the quadriceps and glutes. Focus on stretching the quadriceps and glutes with exercises like standing quad stretches, seated glute stretches, and pigeon pose.

Day 16: Flexibility for the ankles and feet. Dedicate today's session to stretching the ankles and feet with exercises like ankle rotations, toe stretches, and plantar fascia stretches.

Day 17: Full-body yoga flow. Practice a flowing yoga sequence that combines various stretches and movements for the whole body. Follow a guided yoga class or create your own flow.

Day 18: Stretching for the chest and shoulders. Concentrate on opening the chest and shoulders with exercises like chest expansions, shoulder stretches, and doorway stretches.

Day 19: Stretching for the back. Focus on improving back flexibility with exercises like spinal twists, seated backbends, and cobra pose.

Day 20: Stretching for the hips and glutes. Dedicate today's session to stretches that target the hips and glutes, such as seated figure-four stretches, hip flexor stretches, and reclined pigeon pose.

Day 21: Full-body flexibility assessment. Take some time to assess your overall flexibility by revisiting the stretches you practiced on day one. Observe any improvements or changes in your flexibility.


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