
Become Environmentally Friendly Sample Outline

Help your fans become more sustainable with day-by-day challenges and actions.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Meditation Teacher, @The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1:

Conduct a waste audit. Examine your trash and recycling bins to identify common items that could be reduced or recycled more effectively.

Proof: Take a photo of the items you discovered during the waste audit or create a list of the most common waste items found.

Day 2:

Start a composting system for organic waste. Set up a compost bin or explore community composting options available in your area.

Proof: Take a photo of your composting setup or write a brief description of the steps you took to begin composting.

Day 3:

Reduce water consumption by fixing leaks and practicing mindful water usage. Repair any leaking faucets or pipes in your home.

Proof: Take a photo of the repaired faucet or write a reflection on the steps you took to conserve water.

Day 4:

Replace single-use plastic items with reusable alternatives. Swap plastic water bottles, straws, or shopping bags with reusable options.

Proof: Take a photo of your reusable items or write a list of the single-use plastic items you replaced.

Day 5:

Opt for sustainable transportation. Choose to walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation instead of driving alone for shorter trips.

Proof: Take a photo during your sustainable transportation choice or write a reflection on your experience and the impact it had.

Day 6:

Reduce energy consumption. Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs or unplug electronic devices when not in use to save energy.

Proof: Take a photo of the energy-efficient light bulbs or write a reflection on the steps you took to reduce energy consumption.

Day 7:

Start a garden or grow your own herbs. Plant native plants, herbs, or vegetables to support local biodiversity and reduce food transportation emissions.

Proof: Take a photo of your garden or write a reflection on the plants you chose to grow and their benefits.

Day 8:

Minimize food waste. Plan meals, utilize leftovers creatively, and compost food scraps instead of throwing them away.

Proof: Take a photo of your meal planning or write a reflection on the strategies you employed to minimize food waste.

Day 9:

Shop sustainably. Research and support local farmers' markets, eco-friendly brands, or secondhand stores to reduce the environmental impact of your purchases.

Proof: Take a photo during your sustainable shopping experience or write a reflection on the sustainable products or stores you discovered.

Day 10:

Reduce paper waste by going digital. Switch to digital billing, opt for e-tickets, and use electronic documents instead of printing.

Proof: Take a screenshot of your digital billing or write a reflection on the steps you took to reduce paper waste.

Day 11:

Practice mindful consumption. Before making a purchase, consider the environmental impact and necessity of the item.

Proof: Write a reflection on a specific purchase you avoided or take a photo of items you decided not to buy.

Day 12:

Volunteer for an environmental organization or participate in a local community clean-up event.

Proof: Take a photo during your volunteering or community clean-up activity or write a reflection on your experience.

Day 13:

Educate yourself about environmental issues. Read articles or watch documentaries about sustainability, climate change, or eco-friendly practices.

Proof: Take a photo of the book or documentary you explored or write a reflection on the key insights you gained.

Day 14:

Reduce plastic packaging waste. Purchase products with minimal or plastic-free packaging, or explore zero-waste stores in your area.

Proof: Take a photo of your plastic-free purchases or write a reflection on the steps you took to reduce plastic packaging waste.

Day 15:

Practice energy-efficient habits at home. Use natural lighting, adjust thermostat settings, and unplug unused electronics to conserve energy.

Proof: Take a photo of your energy-efficient habits or write a reflection on the changes you made to save energy.

Day 16:

Support sustainable seafood. Learn about sustainable fishing practices and choose seafood options that are responsibly sourced.

Proof: Take a photo of a sustainable seafood choice you made or write a reflection on the sustainable seafood practices you discovered.

Day 17:

Reduce your carbon footprint by using renewable energy. Investigate renewable energy options for your home or switch to a green energy provider.

Proof: Take a photo of your renewable energy setup or write a reflection on the steps you took to transition to renewable energy.

Day 18:

Educate others about environmental issues. Share an informative article, video, or social media post to raise awareness among your friends and family.

Proof: Take a screenshot of your shared post or write a reflection on the conversations or engagement it sparked.

Day 19:

Reduce food packaging waste. Choose bulk items or products with minimal packaging, and bring your own reusable containers to stores.

Proof: Take a photo of your bulk purchases or write a reflection on the steps you took to reduce food packaging waste.

Day 20:

Engage in eco-friendly transportation. Opt for carpooling, biking, or walking for longer trips whenever possible.

Proof: Take a photo during your eco-friendly transportation choice or write a reflection on the impact it had on your carbon footprint.

Day 21:

Reflect on your environmental journey. Write a summary of your overall experience, including any changes, challenges, or accomplishments.

Proof: Write a reflection on your environmental journey or take a photo that represents your growth and commitment to being more environmentally friendly.


By running a Leapmonth challenge, you'll earn a good living while helping people take real action every day to become their best selves.