
Become Creative Sample Outline

Help your fans become their most creative selves by completing day-by-day challenges.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Artistic Guru @The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1: Engage in freewriting. Set a timer for 10 minutes and write freely without worrying about grammar, spelling, or structure. Let your thoughts flow and explore different ideas.

Proof: Share a short excerpt from your freewriting session or a reflection on the thoughts and ideas that emerged.

Day 2: Take a nature walk. Spend time outdoors, observe your surroundings, and immerse yourself in nature. Notice the colors, textures, sounds, and smells around you.

Proof: Share a photo or description of your favorite discovery during the nature walk, emphasizing how it inspired you.

Day 3: Creative journaling. Use a journal or notebook to explore your thoughts and ideas through writing, doodling, or collage. Express yourself freely and let your creativity unfold.

Proof: Share a photo or scan of a page from your creative journal, highlighting any interesting concepts or designs.

Day 4: Mind mapping. Choose a central topic or idea and create a mind map by jotting down related concepts, thoughts, and connections. Use colors, symbols, and drawings to enhance your mind map.

Proof: Share a photo or digital version of your mind map, showcasing the central topic and its various branches.

Day 5: Try a new art form. Experiment with a different art form that you haven't tried before, such as painting, sculpting, photography, or playing a musical instrument. Embrace the process rather than focusing on the outcome.

Proof: Share a photo or description of your artistic exploration, highlighting what you learned or enjoyed about the new art form.

Day 6: Creative prompts. Explore creative prompts, such as a word, a quote, or a random object. Let the prompt inspire you to create something, whether it's a poem, a short story, a drawing, or a song.

Proof: Share your creative response to the prompt, whether it's a photo, a recording, or a written piece.

Day 7: Collaborative creativity. Engage in a creative activity with someone else, such as brainstorming ideas, co-writing a story, or creating artwork together. Embrace the exchange of ideas and the synergy of collaboration.

Proof: Share a photo or description of your collaborative creative endeavor, highlighting the contributions of each participant.

Day 8: Creative exploration. Visit a local art gallery, museum, or exhibition. Allow yourself to be inspired by the works of others and observe different styles, techniques, and interpretations of art.

Proof: Share a photo or description of your favorite artwork or display, and explain how it influenced your own creativity.

Day 9: Creative rituals. Establish a creative ritual that helps you get into the creative mindset. It could be lighting a candle, playing soothing music, or doing a short meditation before engaging in creative activities.

Proof: Share a photo or description of your creative ritual, and reflect on how it enhances your creative process.

Day 10: Doodling and sketching. Set aside time for playful doodling and sketching. Let your hand move freely on the paper, allowing shapes and patterns to emerge naturally.

Proof: Share a photo or scan of your favorite doodle or sketch, and explain the inspiration behind it.

Day 11: Creative reading. Choose a book, poem, or article outside your usual genre or interest. Read with an open mind, paying attention to the author's creativity and the use of language.

Proof: Share a quote or excerpt from your creative reading, and reflect on how it sparked your own creative thinking.

Day 12: Sensory exploration. Engage your senses by exploring a new environment or revisiting a familiar place with heightened awareness. Observe the colors, textures, sounds, smells, and tastes around you.

Proof: Share a photo or description of a sensory experience that stood out to you, and describe how it influenced your creative perception.

Day 13: Creative playlist. Create a playlist of songs that inspire your creativity or evoke certain emotions. Listen to your playlist during creative sessions to enhance your mood and stimulate new ideas.

Proof: Share a screenshot or list of songs from your creative playlist, and explain how each song contributes to your creative process.

Day 14: Visualization exercise. Close your eyes and visualize yourself engaging in a creative project or accomplishing a creative goal. Imagine the details, the process, and the feeling of satisfaction.

Proof: Write a short reflection or description of your visualization exercise, emphasizing the vividness and impact of the imagery.

Day 15: Creative conversations. Engage in meaningful conversations with fellow creatives, whether in person or online. Discuss ideas, share insights, and exchange feedback to nurture your creative growth.

Proof: Share a photo or screenshot of a conversation or exchange that inspired you, and explain how it influenced your creative perspective.

Day 16: Creative play. Dedicate time to playfulness and exploration without a specific outcome in mind. Experiment with materials, colors, textures, or movements, and enjoy the process.

Proof: Share a photo or description of your creative play session, highlighting the elements of play and experimentation.

Day 17: Analog creativity. Put aside digital devices and engage in analog creative activities, such as writing with pen and paper, painting with physical brushes, or crafting with tangible materials.

Proof: Share a photo or description of your analog creative endeavor, emphasizing the tactile and sensory experience.

Day 18: Creative observation. Spend time observing people, objects, or natural elements around you. Pay attention to details, gestures, patterns, or moments that capture your interest.

Proof: Share a photo or description of something interesting or inspiring that you observed, and explain how it sparked your creative thinking.

Day 19: Creative challenges. Seek out creative challenges or competitions online or within your community. Embrace the opportunity to push your creative boundaries and step out of your comfort zone.

Proof: Share your entry or response to a creative challenge, and reflect on the experience of pushing your creative limits.

Day 20: Reflection and inspiration. Take time for reflection on your creative journey so far. Look back at your accomplishments, revisit your favorite creations, and find inspiration in your own progress.

Proof: Share a photo or description of a creative piece or project that you are proud of, and reflect on your growth as a creative individual.

Day 21: Creative expression. Choose a medium or art form that resonates with you the most, and create a final piece that represents your personal creativity and growth throughout this 21-day journey.

Proof: Share a photo or description of your final creative piece, and reflect on the transformation and discoveries you made during the process.


By running a Leapmonth challenge, you'll earn a good living while helping people take real action every day to become their best selves.