
Become Mindful- Sample Outline

Help your fans become more mindful with day-by-day building blocks and reflection.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Meditation Teacher, @The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1:

Set aside 5 minutes for a guided mindfulness meditation practice.

Proof: Write a brief reflection on your experience, noting any observations, thoughts, or feelings that arose during the practice.

Day 2:

Practice mindful breathing. Take 10 deep, intentional breaths, focusing your attention on each inhale and exhale.

Proof: Take a photo or write a few sentences describing how you felt after engaging in mindful breathing.

Day 3:

Practice body scan meditation. Spend 10 minutes paying attention to each part of your body, starting from your toes and moving up to your head.

Proof: Write a brief journal entry noting any physical sensations or areas of tension you observed during the body scan meditation.

Day 4:

Engage in mindful eating. Choose a snack or meal and eat it slowly, paying attention to the taste, texture, and sensations as you consume each bite.

Proof: Take a photo of the food you chose to eat mindfully or write a few sentences describing the experience of eating with mindfulness.

Day 5:

Practice walking meditation. Take a short walk, focusing your attention on the sensations in your feet and legs as you move.

Proof: Take a photo of the path you walked or write a brief reflection on any insights or observations you had during the walking meditation.

Day 6:

Engage in a mindful listening exercise. Choose a piece of music or nature sounds and listen attentively, paying attention to each sound and the spaces between them.

Proof: Write a short description of the sounds you listened to or take a photo that represents your experience of mindful listening.

Day 7:

Practice gratitude meditation. Spend 10 minutes reflecting on things you are grateful for, cultivating a sense of appreciation and contentment.

Proof: Write down three things you are grateful for today or take a photo of a gratitude journal entry.

Day 8:

Engage in a mindful stretching or yoga session. Pay attention to the sensations in your body as you move through each pose or stretch.

Proof: Take a photo of yourself in a yoga pose or write a reflection on how your body felt during the mindful stretching session.

Day 9:

Practice loving-kindness meditation. Spend 10 minutes sending loving and kind thoughts to yourself and others.

Proof: Write a brief journal entry describing any emotions or experiences that arose during the loving-kindness meditation.

Day 10:

Create a mindfulness jar. Fill a jar with water and glitter, then observe the swirling glitter as it settles, using it as a metaphor for the mind.

Proof: Take a photo of your mindfulness jar or write a reflection on the symbolism and observations you made during the activity.

Day 11:

Engage in a mindful digital detox. Take a break from screens for a designated period, focusing on being present and engaging in offline activities.

Proof: Write a reflection on your experience of the digital detox, noting any observations or changes in your state of mind.

Day 12:

Practice mindful journaling. Write freely about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, without judgment or the need for editing.

Proof: Take a photo of a page from your mindful journal or write a brief excerpt from your journal entry.

Day 13:

Engage in a mindfulness-based stress reduction exercise. Choose a stress-reducing activity such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery.

Proof: Take a photo of the activity you chose to engage in or write a reflection on the effectiveness of the stress reduction technique.

Day 14:

Practice mindful communication. Engage in a conversation with someone, focusing on listening attentively and responding mindfully.

Proof: Write a reflection on the mindful communication experience or take a photo of an object that represents effective communication.

Day 15:

Create a mindfulness corner or space in your home. Arrange objects that bring you a sense of calm and serenity, and spend a few minutes sitting in this space each day.

Proof: Take a photo of your mindfulness corner or space, or write a brief description of how it makes you feel when you sit there.

Day 16:

Engage in a mindful body movement practice such as tai chi or qigong. Pay attention to the sensations and flow of movement in your body.

Proof: Take a photo during your body movement practice or write a reflection on how you felt after engaging in the mindful movement.

Day 17:

Practice mindfulness during routine activities, such as brushing your teeth, washing dishes, or taking a shower. Focus on the present moment and the sensory experience.

Proof: Take a photo related to the routine activity you chose to do mindfully or write a brief reflection on the experience.

Day 18:

Engage in a nature mindfulness practice. Spend time in nature, observing the sights, sounds, and sensations around you with full attention.

Proof: Take a photo of the nature scene or write a reflection on how connecting with nature mindfully affected your state of mind.

Day 19:

Practice self-compassion meditation. Spend 10 minutes offering kind and understanding words to yourself, cultivating self-compassion.

Proof: Write down three self-compassionate statements you used during the meditation or take a photo of a self-compassion reminder you created.

Day 20:

Engage in a mindful art activity, such as drawing, painting, or coloring. Pay attention to the process and sensations of creating art.

Proof: Take a photo of your mindful art creation or write a reflection on how engaging in art mindfully affected your state of mind.

Day 21:

Reflect on your mindfulness journey. Write a summary of your overall experience, including any insights, changes, or benefits you have noticed.

Proof: Write a reflection on your mindfulness journey or take a photo that represents your growth and progress throughout the 21-day period.


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