
Become Confident Sample Outline

Help your fans build true self confidence by completing day-by-day challenges.
Man pinning images on wall
World Class Mentor aka You
Life Coach @The Universe

We've tried to make a syllabus that builds logically, contains one lesson and one action for your fans to complete each day. You're the expert though so feel free to change the duration, the challenges etc.

You can also get creative with how you'd like them to prove they've done it by using text, photo or video.

Day 1: Positive affirmations. Begin each day by reciting affirmations that reinforce your strengths, abilities, and self-worth.

Proof: Write down three positive affirmations you repeated and share a photo or reflection on how they made you feel more confident.

Day 2: Reflect on accomplishments. Take time to reflect on your past achievements, big or small, and recognize the skills and qualities that contributed to your success.

Proof: Write a list of five accomplishments you're proud of and share a photo or reflection on how they boosted your confidence.

Day 3: Practice good posture. Be mindful of your posture throughout the day, standing tall, shoulders back, and head held high, projecting confidence and self-assurance.

Proof: Share a photo or reflection on how you maintained good posture throughout the day and the impact it had on your confidence.

Day 4: Face a fear. Identify a fear or challenge that holds you back and take one small step towards overcoming it, pushing your boundaries and building resilience.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the fear you faced and the actions you took to confront it, highlighting the confidence gained from stepping outside your comfort zone.

Day 5: Cultivate self-care habits. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, such as taking a relaxing bath, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in a hobby you enjoy.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the self-care activity you engaged in and how it contributed to your overall confidence and well-being.

Day 6: Dress for success. Choose an outfit that makes you feel confident and empowered, paying attention to how your appearance can influence your mindset and self-perception.

Proof: Share a photo or reflection on the outfit you selected and how it made you feel more confident throughout the day.

Day 7: Positive self-talk. Be mindful of your inner dialogue and replace self-doubt or negative thoughts with positive, encouraging statements.

Proof: Write down three instances where you caught and redirected negative self-talk, and share a photo or reflection on how it improved your confidence.

Day 8: Embrace discomfort. Seek out situations or tasks that push you out of your comfort zone, embracing the opportunity for growth and learning.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the discomfort you embraced and the lessons learned from stepping outside your comfort zone.

Day 9: Surround yourself with positivity. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, fostering a positive environment that boosts your confidence.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the positive interactions and connections you had with supportive individuals throughout the day.

Day 10: Celebrate strengths and uniqueness. Recognize your unique qualities and strengths, embracing what sets you apart from others and celebrating your individuality.

Proof: Write a list of five strengths or unique qualities you possess and share a photo or reflection on how they contribute to your confidence.

Day 11: Set and achieve small goals. Set achievable goals for the day and take action towards accomplishing them, boosting your confidence through progress and achievement.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the goals you set and the steps you took to achieve them, highlighting the confidence gained from accomplishing tasks.

Day 12: Learn a new skill. Engage in learning something new that interests you, whether it's a hobby, language, or any skill that enhances your personal growth.

Proof: Share a photo or reflection on the new skill you learned and how it contributed to your overall confidence and self-development.

Day 13: Practice active listening. Engage in meaningful conversations, actively listening to others without interrupting, and expressing genuine interest in their thoughts and experiences.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the conversations where you practiced active listening, highlighting the positive impact it had on your confidence and connections.

Day 14: Express gratitude. Take time to express gratitude for the things and people that uplift your life, cultivating a positive mindset and appreciation for the abundance around you.

Proof: Write a list of five things or people you're grateful for and share a photo or reflection on how expressing gratitude boosts your confidence.

Day 15: Step into discomfort again. Choose another fear or challenge to face, pushing your boundaries further and building resilience and self-assurance.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the second fear you faced and the actions you took to confront it, emphasizing the confidence gained from embracing discomfort.

Day 16: Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself and treat yourself with the same level of care and compassion you extend to others, nurturing self-esteem and confidence.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the self-compassionate actions you took and how they contributed to your confidence and well-being.

Day 17: Share your achievements. Share your accomplishments, big or small, with others, celebrating your successes and the growth you've experienced.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the achievements you shared and the positive responses or connections they generated, highlighting the confidence gained from sharing.

Day 18: Take on a leadership role. Step into a leadership position, whether at work, in a group setting, or within your community, showcasing your abilities and taking charge.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the leadership role you assumed and the impact it had on your confidence and influence.

Day 19: Practice assertiveness. Express your opinions, needs, and boundaries with confidence and respect, asserting yourself in various situations.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on the instances where you practiced assertiveness, highlighting the positive outcomes and increased confidence.

Day 20: Reflect on your journey. Take time to reflect on your confidence-building journey, recognizing the progress you've made and the growth in your self-assurance.

Proof: Write a reflection on your confidence-building journey and share a photo or reflection on the specific moments or milestones that stood out to you.

Day 21: Celebrate your newfound confidence. Celebrate the completion of your 21-day confidence-building journey by engaging in activities that make you feel proud and empowered.

Proof: Share a photo or write a reflection on your confidence celebration, capturing the joy and self-assuredness that radiates from within.


By running a Leapmonth challenge, you'll earn a good living while helping people take real action every day to become their best selves.